The exact schedule of our Preaching Rally varies from year to year, but the general layout stays the same. We have certain things that we have repeated since the beginning–three sessions, skits in each session, snack break first, lunch break second,–but we have altered the schedule at times to try new things–men’s and ladies’ split sessions, games/slideshow/video/songs as openers, various little tweaks. In a long-running conference like the Preaching Rally, we constantly try to balance innovation with stability. If we innovate every year, people will not learn to trust the rally and may not keep coming. But if we never innovate, we grow stagnant and predictable. Stability is great. Crumbling over time is not.
The schedule below was taken from a standard year. After our first Preaching Rally, we added 30 minutes to the schedule and have kept the same basic time frames ever since. The goal of the schedule is to keep things moving, and to highlight the preaching. We have just enough fun built into the schedule so that it is still an enjoyable conference without dragging on too long.
The schedule is listed below, with my comments in the bullet points beneath each schedule line. I role play through each script in detail on my Friday run-through, and make sure each item is in its place, including game pieces, music, microphones and megaphones. One year, I was so focused on a practical joke (the frozen mayonnaise gag) that I completely missed some key details in the game. Because I did not think the game through to the end, I forgot one of the most important parts of the game–paper towels to clean up (I still feel bad about that one)! See below for the schedule and all my scripts.
Preaching Rally Schedule
10:40 Music begins (HBBC background) – Ryan B.
- Churches arrive and register
- Greeters greet each guest, distributing the booklets, bookmarks and pens
10:55 “5 min.” announce – Bro. Ryan
- If the services will be starting late, I announce it here so that people know I will start late intentionally, rather than because we lost track of time.
11:00 Goofy music begins – Ryan B.
- This signals the start of something new without my having to wave my arms or yell
11:00 Session 1 (1 hr. 20 min.)
11:00 Game – Rock/Paper/Scissors CHEER – Bro. Ryan
- A game was chosen as the opener this year because it allows the late churches to show up without missing anything important. We now schedule at least 15 minutes of dead space (like games or silly music) at the beginning of each year, whereas in the past we had started with a video or something too important to miss.
- This game in particular was a bad opening game, because people had to leave their seats to play. Some churches entered during the game, and did not know which pews were available.
- See pulpit script below
11:10 Opening & Welcome – Bro. Ryan
Pastor prayer
- I like having our pastor welcome the people and open in prayer, showing that he is interested and involved in young people’s lives.
- The very first event of the 2014 Preaching Rally is this: PAIR UP
- Good ol’ rock paper scissors
- Got this idea at Winter Camp
- Bro. Ryan from Lighthouse LaVerne
- Working at Canyon Ridge
- Many of you may have done this before
- Once you LOSE
- You become the biggest cheerleader for your victor!
- You CHEER your head off as your opponent faces off against someone else
- Whoever wins, gets ALL the fans
- So by the end
- We’ll have a MASSIVE group of people cheering for you
- When it gets down to the end
- You’ll come up on the platform
- Battle it out in front of everyone
- Cheer like crazy for your champion
- Ready? Set… GO!
- WINNER receives… leftovers.
- If you were here last year,
- You may remember the theme was TIMELESS
- We haven’t even talked about this year’s theme yet
- You get a TShirt from last year
- As well as last year’s book
- Combined the three minibooks into one
- Now it’s got a shiny new cover
- Also available as an audiobook and ebook on Amazon
- Congratulations
- Welcome
- Hello and welcome to our FOURTH annual Preaching Rally
- Some of you have been to ALL THREE before this
- How many of you
- First time here?
- Welcome!
- Today is all about one thing: our theme
- The decorations will make sense here in a little bit
- But since it was the day after Valentine’s Day
- I wanted to focus on this topic of DATING
- Oh that makes everyone nervous
- Your church has its own rules
- Your youth group has its preferences
- Your rules allow you to
- Touch or not touch
- Date or not date
- I’m not here to overstep your church
- We’re here to just look at what the Bible has to say about dating
- There’s not that much
- It has a lot to say about
- Marriage
- Purity
- And loving God
- So that is really what our focus is going to be on today
- Overall, do you love God more than you love your boyfriend or girlfriend?
- Is God in it?
- What’s your goal?
- Where are you going with this relationship?
- Is it pure?
- Or is it selfish?
- I hope today we’ll be able to help you with some of that
- Whether you’re dating or not right now
- I hope you came today thinking
- “God, I want your best for my life.”
- He’s got it for you
- In his time.
- So, today’s all about preaching
- It IS the Preaching Rally, after all.
- Pastor Rench
- Our Pastor has been here almost 25 years
- My mentor and my father
- He will open us in prayer.
- Pastor—opening prayer
Song – Micah 6:8 – Bro. Ryan
- I often choose Scripture songs with catchy tunes like this one. It teaches new songs, helps them memorize a Bible verse and is fun to sing.
1 Sam. 12:24 (Only Fear the Lord) – Bro. Ryan
Youth Pastor Giveaway (Bible College Book) – Bro. Ryan
- Each youth pastor stood and our ushers gave each one our book A Case For Bible College, a book about 1) why our church encourages our high school graduates to attend a year of Bible college and 2) how the student can prepare for Bible college.
11:20 Skit 1
- See the various skit scripts at ryanrench.com/pr-skits
(Use Hand-held mic)
(Key changes)
Bible verse songs.
Open your Bible for the words.
Song – Micah 6:8
He hath shown thee, O man, what is good;
And what doth the Lord require of thee,
But to do justly and to love mercy,
And to walk humbly with thy God.
SONG – 1 Sam. 12:24 Only Fear the Lord
Only fear the Lord and serve Him with all your heart,
Serve Him with all your heart, serve Him with all you heart.
Only fear the Lord and serve Him with all your heart,
Serve Him in truth with all your heart.
For consider how great things He hath done for you,
He hath done for you, He hath done for you.
For consider how great things He hath done for you
So serve Him in truth with all your heart.
- A CASE FOR BIBLE COLLEGE Youth Pastor giveaway (END 11:20)
- Appreciate all the youth directors and pastors in here
- Want to give you a book that we produced here at our church
- A Case For Bible College
- First half – some of the reasons our church encourages graduates to attend perhaps a year of Bible College
- Written to the parent
- Or to the person who’s not really convinced of WHY people go to Bible College
- Second half – written to the prospective student
- Written generally
- Applies to any Bible college
- How to prepare
- Academically
- Spiritually
- Financially, etc
- Written for our teens, first
- Then thought it might be a help
- There’s a bonus chapter at the end
- Written specifically for the college I graduated from
- Heartland Baptist Bible college in OKC
- Later versions of the book will have that chapter removed
- In case you’re planning on attending another Bible College
- Each college has its own little nuances about
- Campus life
- Professors
- The town its in, etc.
- So, these are available for sale – $10
- But free to all youth directors and pastors right now
- Also want one representative from each church (pastor or youth pastor) to introduce your church and where you’re from.
- Youth Pastors, please STAND
- Ushers will get around and get one to each youth pastor
- The rest of you can buy them if you want. ☺
- Skit (11:20)
- At this time we’re going to have a completely non-spiritual skit
- In line with the theme
11:25 Psalm 19:14 (Let the Words of My Mouth) – Bro. Ryan
- One of the improvement for this year was to not use so many unfamiliar songs. This was another new one to the crowd, so they could not get into it as much. I typically use Scripture songs or well-known choruses.
- Since I was preaching next, I wanted a seamless transition and did not have any special music before the preaching.
Session 1 – “Together…” – Bro. Ryan Rench (40+ min.)
- This session was our “Ice Cream Sundae Relationships” sermon, which tied to the theme and decorations. I usually preach one session to introduce the theme, and the guest preacher preaches the other two sessions.
START 11:25
SONG – Psalm 19:14 – Let the Words of My Mouth (song 48)
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, (repeat)
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord.
While you’re standing, turn to Genesis 2:24
Excellent singing today.
I hope that verse is your prayer. “God, let everything I say, and even what I think be acceptable to you.”
I want you to have complete control of my emotions, my relationship with my boyfriend or girlfriend, or my future boyfriend/girlfriend
I want everything we talk about to be acceptable to you
I want everything I think about her to be acceptable to you
I want all my thoughts about him to be pure and acceptable to you.
Like I said earlier, the Bible doesn’t say a lot about dating.
It talks about AUTHORITY
It talks about PURITY
It talks about MARRIAGE
But not so much about the process!
Today, I hope the Preaching Rally is a help to you.
[preach session]
12:15 Plan page – Bro. Ryan
- Each person takes out his pen and booklet and fills out the “My Plan” section of their notes, encouraging them to put specific actions in place rather than vague “I want to follow God” statements.
Ice Cream Break Instructions – Bro. Ryan
Dismiss by Registrants, Trivia – Bro. Ryan
12:15 Ice Cream Break (10 min.) – Food Team
- My Plan (BEGIN 12:14. END 12:15)
- We won’t have a formal invitation till the end
- Just want to draw your attention to the PLAN PAGE at the bottom of your notes
- Won’t take the time now, but please take time to write out a plan.
- More on that later.
- Calvary servers
- Dismissed now
- 10 minute break
- About to take a 10 minute break
- Head out the back doors
- Restrooms
- fellowship hall
- OR to the left out the doors
- Get ONE ice cream sandwich
- In honor of our Ice Cream Sundae Relationships session
- 10 minutes—head back up here
- In five minutes you’ll get your 5 minute warning
- They should start herding you
- These are the ones who actually filled out the registration form online
- If I miss you
- Don’t crucify me
- If you didn’t know about the registration form
- I’m sorry
- Better luck next year
- Don’t crucify me
- If you say, “I got a call and I told them I was coming.”
- I’m sorry
- Don’t crucify me
- But that’s not the registration form
- Calvary – lets take ours last
- Let the guests get theirs first.
- [Registered Churches]
- In honor of the super bowl
- Let’s think about some football teams
- If you know the right answer, run up and say it in the mic
- If you’re right, your church is dismissed (start at end of list)
- “Dollar for Corn”
- Buckaneers…
- Not sinners but
- Saints
- 7 squared
- 49ers
- young and fast horses
- colts
- people from the lone star state
- Texans
- Credit card users
- Chargers
- David could stone them
- Giants
- One time British enemies
- Patriots
12:20 5 minute warning – Bro. Ken
12:24 Countdown (60 sec.) – Music
12:25 Session 2 (1 hr.)
12:25 Skit 2 (skit music intro)
12:30 I Am a C(ong) – Bro. Ryan
- Our traditional silly song
Psalm 9:1-2 (I Will Praise Thee, O Lord) – Bro. Ryan
12:35 Intro Pastor Hetzer, Mixed Ensemble – Bro. Ryan
I Am a C(ong)
I am a C
I am a C-H
I am a Cong
I am a Cong Hong
Psalm 9:1-2
9:1 I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart;
I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.
2 I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing
praise to thy name, O thou most High.
Mixed Ensemble gets in place
- Mixed Ensemble
- The Mixed Ensemble has been working on a song that ties in to the theme today
- The idea of dating is not about dating at all
- The idea of today
- Is more about focusing on God
- More than focusing on who I’m going to date, how emotional I should be, etc.
- Before you are a husband, you’re a Christian
- Before being a good wife, you’re called to be a godly lady
- Your passion should not be for the person you’re dating
- But your main passion should be for God.
- The Mixed Ensemble is going to be singing about that concept in just a little bit
- But first I want to introduce our preacher
- Bro. David Hetzer is a church planter from San Marcos
- Graduate of Heartland Baptist Bible College in OKC
- And a frequent preacher at teen rallies like this
- And teen camps
- We have the privilege of having him at our custom camp this year at Ironwood
- We get the best of both worlds from Ironwood
- Incredible program so I don’t have to be the game man, the skit man, the police man, the activities man, the lifeguard, and the everything go-to man
- The camp will run all that
- We get to use their
- Facilities, counselors, activities, etc.
- And we also get to control the service times
- Choose our own speaker
- He will be allowed a lot of freedom
- That perhaps we have never had in years past
- We get to choose our own preachers now
- Bro. Jason Gaddis is coming next year
- And this year, like I said, we get to have Bro. Hetzer!
- So I can’t wait
- I was talking to a friend of mine who runs his own camp
- He’s had Bro. Hetzer preach for him each year for about three years straight
- He grew up in the camp ministry (my friend did)
- And said Bro. Hetzer was one of the best camp preachers he’d ever heard.
- Why?
- First and foremost, he’s biblical
- You’re not going to make decisions based on an emotional story he tells at the end
- Crying at the altar
- And you don’t know why
- You’ll be confronted with the Bible
- And that’s the kind of people we’ve always had preach here
- So that your decisions are rooted in the Scripture.
- So now, enjoy the special from the Mixed Ensemble and then, Bro. Hetzer, you come preach for us.
Mixed Ensemble – “A Passion for Thee”
- This is our 8-person teen singing group
12:40 Session 2 – “…we purely…” – Pastor Hetzer (40 min.)
1:20 Plan page – Bro. Ryan
Lunch break instructions – Bro. Ryan
Dismiss by random rules– Bro. Ryan
- If session 2 finishes late, we start session 3 on time (2:00).
- If session 2 finishes early, we start session 3 early (take 35 min. lunch).
- My Plan (1:20 – 1:25 TOTAL)
- Please turn in your booklets to the notes
- Session 2 – “…we purely…”
- My plan—bottom
- Take another minute to fill that out, please.
- Be specific with it
- I’ve made a once-for-all choice to ____
- I plan to (END 1:23)
- Lunch
- Back door
- Down the sidewalk
- First double doors into fellowship hall
- Restrooms in the fellowship hall
- Dismissal (START DISMISSING 1:24) Someone with…
- Largest shoe
- Shortest girl
- Drove longest time
- Biggest Bible
- Longest bus
- Most seniors
- Most 7th graders
- Said AMEN the most
- On time to PR?
1:25 Lunch Break (35 min.) – Food Team
1:55 5 minute warning, clear fellowship hall – Bro. Ken
1:59 Piano begins
2:00 Session 3 (1 hr. 30 min.)
2:00 I Am a C(hicken) – Bro. Ryan
Total Blackout Game, teen version – Bro. Garret
Youth Pastor version
2:20 Skit 3
SONG – I Am a C(hicken)
I am a C-hicken
I am a C-hicken H-icken
I am a C-hicken H-hicken R-hicken I S-icken
- Rounds 1 and 2
- 4 volunteers
- 2 (guy/girl?) – identify items
- 2 (guy/girl?) – taste test (if girl is brave enough)
- “identify the soda”
- may not be the common types
- It won’t be bugs or anything like that
- But you may not want to be someone who gets sick easily
- Send ALL out the door to Pastor’s office
- CASSI – Set up props
- Round 1 – touch
- “There’s 6 items
- You have 2 minutes
- Identify as many as possible
- Or the fastest time wins
- First 4 items – hand
- Last 2 – face only
- I can’t promise these things won’t move or bite or whatever
- Ready… GO!
- Same 6 items
- WINNER – best time
- Gets gift from Bro. Ryan
- Round 2 – taste
- Setup time
- Cassi pours
- Garret (quietly) reads labels
- Set bottle at front of table visible to audience
- “There are 6 cups
- 2 minutes
- Identify the flavor
- Don’t have to swallow if you don’t want to
- If you hate it, there’s a big cup to spit into
- Ready… GO!
- 6 NEW cups
- 2 minutes
- ID flavor
- Swallow or spit
- Breakdown – don’t throw bottles away
- Keep for maybe another dare round?
- Extra points?
- WINNER – See Bro. Ryan
- Round 3 and 4
- Youth leader edition!
- Round 3 – Any man/wife brave enough?
- Round 4 – Need 2 youth pastors (bravest of all!)
- No sissies, please
- CASSI – Set up props
- ROUND 3 – Husband/wife [*SKIPPED]
- “Same as round one
- 6 items
- identify 4 – hands
- identify 2 – face
- 2 minutes
- Ready… GO!
- Same items as she had
- Winner – See Bro. Ryan
- ROUND 4 (final) – Youth Pastors
- Bravest of all
- Same as round one
- I can’t promise it won’t bite, move, or whatever…
- Winner – See Bro. Ryan
- Now lets enjoy the concluding SKIT.
- SKIT 3.
2:25 Raise pulpit
Thank You Lord – Bro. Ryan
Intro Mixed Trio/Pastor Hetzer – Bro. Ryan
2:30 Mixed Trio – “My Tribute”
- My wife, my sister and I sang this trio. Sometimes we use all teens, and other times we use adults for the special music. One year, the wife of the preacher came along and sang two of the specials.
Session 3 – “…love God.” – Pastor Hetzer (45 min.)
2:25 – 2:30
SONG – Thank You Lord
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul,
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole;
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free.
- The following song kind helps reiterate the point we are making through the Preaching Rally this year.
- But this session is kind of the summary to everything we’ve been preaching so far
- Bro. Hetzer, after the Mixed Trio sings, please come preach for us.
3:15 Invitation – Pastor Hetzer
I Surrender All – Bro. Ryan
3:25 Plan Page – Bro. Ryan
Closing remarks – Bro. Ryan
3:30 Dismissal
- Invitation
- Spiritual decisions are being made
- My Plan
- Don’t let the decision just be emotional
- One area I hammer the MOST
- Is the application
- Anyone can KNOW they should be pure
- What are you doing now?
- God’s been speaking
- There’s no doubt about that
- Everyone grows at his own rate
- But this book is the same
- The preaching’s the same
- It now rests on you
- We pray you REALLY take this week to heart
- Next year
- You have the dates for next year
- Plan on it!
- You’ve been given reminders of this year
- Pen
- Bookmark
- Think back and say, “That’s when God helped me
- I hope it’s been a profitable day
- Have a safe trip home
- You’ll really enjoy the theme next year
- Little twist in the format. You’ll see.
- Someone ______________ – CLOSE IN PRAYER