
It Takes a Village (OYPO – Vol. 35)

One Youth Pastor’s Opinion (OYPO)…

It Takes a Village

My wife was buried in the passenger seat under a mound of popcorn treats.

“Who’s that for?” I asked.

“The teachers at church.” She said. “This is not even counting the choir members or adult teachers… just the ones who help our kids.”

I was amazed. The old saying proves true: “It takes a village to raise a child.”

We began to talk through who the treats were for, and, sure enough, each of the 20+ bags was for a separate person or family who invests in our kids. Nursery workers, teachers (for three separate classes), Master Clubs helpers and teachers, Jr. Church workers, kids choir directors and more… it takes a village.

My daughter tells me in the most animated ways what she learns in Sunday school. Mrs. Tisha gets through to my daughter in ways I never can. Seriously. My daughter Charlotte learns SO much from her class lessons, and can repeat the story almost perfectly. Every week. It’s awesome.

Even my two-year-old, Gwen, learns the Bible verses and Bible stories in her Sunday school class. “Even… winds… sea… obey HIM!” she says, so excited that she remembers her verse. “Call… me… I… answer… VEE!” It’s Jeremiah 33:3, of course. Not quite KJV, but a precious version of the Bible, nonetheless.

Abe knows things I never knew he learned. In the course of everyday conversation, sometimes he will spout out Bible principles that I have never taught him. That’s six years of village-teaching, folks.

So many voices speak into our children’s lives, and we need all of them. Sure, even the “bad” voices can be good for teaching moments with our kids. A nine-year-old screamer at SeaWorld prompted a conversation about brats, discontentment, and unthankfulness. That’s a good thing.

I love and appreciate everyone who helps me raise my kids.

Now… if I could just find my wife under the pile of goodies…-RR

Sermon Summary

Sunday School

Among the many theological debates is the topic of Calvinism. Thankfully, we settled every question in our Sunday school class.

Not so much.

But we DID get a grander view of God, which is one of the points of studying Romans 9. Reaching settled conclusions is difficult in a 30-minute sermon, yet the challenge to the teens was to trust that a sovereign God is completely righteous and good and merciful in all his dealings with men, and orchestrates the good with the bad to (tying into Romans 8:28) work all things for good. Somehow.

Our view of God is not so limited that WE can control HIM through our unbelief… in fact, it’s an even bigger view of God to believe that although we can’t fully conceive HOW his sovereignty controls the movements of history without determining our very choices and desires, we still believe THAT HE can.

Last Wednesday

Last night’s class lesson through the book Change Into His Image showed the “doing” side of how we respond to God’s grace. Our love for God ought to show up in our extravagant gifts, attention, and focus on Him in everything we do.

Teen Announcements (click to expand)


