
Archive for the Writing Category

[UPDATED] What Cover Has the Most Potential? (Nothing Final Yet…)

I put these everywhere this week–Twitter, my teens, and my family. Maybe that was a mistake… I like the variety of opinions, though. Covers I thought NO ONE would like turned out to be some of my teens’ favorites (I won’t tell you which ones). My son has a favorite, and my wife has several. I’ve heard back from artists and designers, regular people and, er–irregular people? I’ve heard from all kinds. Now what are your thoughts? I would like your opinion. Let me know by commenting below.    UPDATED DESIGNS: Here are my thoughts on some people’s favorites…  17. Mountain. It’s pretty, but

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Testing My New App… Out Popped 100k Words! Oops!

My in-laws bought me Scrivener, a writing app for my Mac. I’m thankful, but I wasn’t expecting to have to mess with 2 full books’ worth of words! Okay… so I imported 7 years’ worth of notes to my teens, sorted them by category and organized them into two 50k-word chunks (about the length of BIBS). The SECOND CHUNK will be mostly for youth pastors (later). It’s how I promoted things to my teens–camp, new youth staff, sermon series, etc. But the FIRST CHUNK is what I’m excited about right now. It’s the last 7 years of weekly notes we gave to

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Writers Gotta Write!

    I wrote the following article for some friends launching a ministry blog this month (October, 2016.)   I enjoy writing. I write to help people. I write because it’s fun to me. But this isn’t about me. This is about you. Do you have a message? Do you like to write? If writing is not fun to you, maybe you can (should?) find a new outlet for your message. We ALL have a message, but we don’t ALL have to be writers. If writing is not your thing, communicate your message another way: start a podcast, create videos, host

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