
Archive for the Uncategorized Category

3 Reasons I Lean Toward Reverence – BAPTIST TIMES ARTICLE REPOST

I wrote the following article for the Baptist Times magazine Youth to Truth column, submitted September 2019:   When I was a youth pastor, I wanted an atmosphere that was exciting and personal—like God—but still holy and reverent—like God. Former Catholics tell me they revered God but had no personal relationship with Him. To them, reverence itself was god, and majestic ceremonies and cathedrals were as close as they could get to God’s true majesty. The $1 billion budget to rebuild Notre Dame suggests that the externals are all they have. Pete Buttigieg’s god swings the other way though, dismissing

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You found the FIRST Easter Egg!

WOO HOO!! You followed the first QR code in the book! I’m so happy you’re here. Enjoy the rest of your day. via GIPHY

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Christmas Stupidness

In typical fashion, I’ve morphed a good story into a bad one. Several bad ones, actually. Several bad stories per day. *sigh I usually end my posts with “enjoy,” but that’s dreaming too big, I think. Perhaps “endure if you dare” might be the best sign off. . . -Ryan   Once Upon a NON-Time “Choose-Your-Story” Edition: Dec. 1. Once Upon a Time? Or Non-Time? Choose between two alternate beginnings. One is the true story; the other will leave you sadly disappointed. I promise. READ HERE   Dec. 2. The Bible. Nothing weird here. Just a slight twist with a

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