
Archive for the Ministry Category

Probabilities and Prophecies Prove the Bible Is Real (To Me, At Least)

Probabilities and Prophecies Prophecies of Scripture verify that the Bible is real—that it is God’s Word. Only a fool would deny that Jesus Christ was a real, historical figure (basically every historian agrees that he was a real, living person), yet many people still choose to ignore the prophecies that surround this man, Jesus. Scores of prophecies were told hundreds of years before Jesus was born. Prophets wrote down their “guesses” as to how this man would live, act and die, and all of their “guesses” came true. Some prophets predicted his birth, some his death. Some predicted his name, some

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All the Church Music Tracking Tools I Use Weekly (Mostly Free)

Being a church music director is sometimes less about music and more about administration. Meaning: you sing on Sundays but do paperwork Monday through Friday. While a music director might spend a lot of time practicing with groups or arranging music, a good portion of his week might be planning orders of service, choosing congregational songs, laying out the special music calendar, purchasing choirbooks, or making sure small groups don’t double up on the same song. That takes a lot of tracking! I’m not against software that can do this for you, but I think: Software programs are expensive. Some are hundreds of

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BIBS Book Foreword by Sam Davison, a Hero of Mine.

I tell people often that there are about five people who have shaped the direction of my life, and they are the top five people I respect the most. Bro. Sam Davison is one of them. He was my pastor all through college and taught me to love the Word of God like I never had before. I appreciate Bro. Sam’s kind and thoughtful words in the foreword of the book BIBS: Big Idea Bible Study, available from Calvary Baptist Publications. Here is his text as it is found in the book: Though I had been involved in Bible College work before 1998,

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BIBS – Preaching Outline (4/4) – APPLICATION

I preached the Big Idea Bible Study (BIBS) concepts to our church in a 4-week miniseries back in August, 2015. The following is preaching outline #4, adapted from the book BIBS: Big Idea Bible Study, available from Calvary Baptist Publications. I preached through a more extensive series when explaining the concepts to our teens, spending several weeks within each section (Observation, Interpretation, Application), but this mini-series covers the highlights. See below for the Preaching Outline for the explanation of the third step in Bible study: APPLICATION: See the other sermons in the series here: BIBS 1 – Introduction BIBS 2 – Observation  BIBS 3 – Interpretation 

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BIBS – Preaching Outline (3/4) – INTERPRETATION

I preached the Big Idea Bible Study (BIBS) concepts to our church in a 4-week miniseries back in August, 2015. The following is preaching outline #3, adapted from the book BIBS: Big Idea Bible Study, available from Calvary Baptist Publications. I preached through a more extensive series when explaining the concepts to our teens, spending several weeks within each section (Observation, Interpretation, Application), but this miniseries covers the highlights. See below for the Preaching Outline for the explanation of the second step in Bible study: INTERPRETATION: See the other sermons in the series here: BIBS 1 – Introduction BIBS 2 – Observation  BIBS 4 – Application

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BIBS – Preaching Outline (2/4) – OBSERVATION

I preached the Big Idea Bible Study (BIBS) concepts to our church in a 4-week miniseries back in August, 2015. The following is preaching outline #2, adapted from the book BIBS: Big Idea Bible Study, available from Calvary Baptist Publications. I preached through a more extensive series when explaining the concepts to our teens, spending several weeks within each section (Observation, Interpretation, Application), but this miniseries covers the highlights. See below for the Preaching Outline for the explanation of the first step in Bible study: OBSERVATION:   See the other sermons in the series here: BIBS 1 – Introduction BIBS 3 – Interpretation BIBS 4

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BIBS – Preaching Outline (1/4) – INTRO

I preached the Big Idea Bible Study (BIBS) concepts to our church in a 4-week miniseries back in August, 2015. The following is preaching outline #1, adapted from the book BIBS: Big Idea Bible Study, available from Calvary Baptist Publications. I preached through a more extensive series when explaining the concepts to our teens, spending several weeks within each section (Observation, Interpretation, Application), but the miniseries covers the highlights. See below for the Preaching Outline for the introductory sermon: See the other sermons in the series here: BIBS 2 – Observation BIBS 3 – Interpretation BIBS 4 – Application

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YouthCon OKC 2016 Youth Conference Preaching Audio [ALL SERMONS]

The 2016 Southwest Baptist Youth Conference of the Heartland, or YouthCon, hosted over 1,300 people for three days of activities, games, prizes, singing, and, of course, preaching. The spirit of the conference was sweet, and the young people were genuinely interested in pleasing God. The following are all the sermons from the conference…   Click below to expand…

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Proverbs – 117 Verses On the Tongue (Covering Three Topics)

CLOSE YOUR MOUTH (30 Verses) Pro. 3:30 Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.   Pro. 4:24 Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. (Distorted, crookedness)   Pro. 10:13-14 In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding. 14Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.   Pro. 10:18-19He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.

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Ice Cream Sundae Relationships Brochure

This tri-fold brochure explains the “Ice Cream Sundae Relationships” lesson on dating and marriage. It is a good visual illustration and object lesson for teaching young people the importance of having relationships built God’s way. Click here to download

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