
Archive for the Family Category

My Top 5 Ways to Help Parents of Teens – BAPTIST TIMES ARTICLE REPOST

I wrote the following article for the Baptist Times magazine Youth to Truth column, submitted Nov. 16, 2020:   Youth ministry is family ministry, so a good youth pastor will help the parents parent. Sometimes that’s done best by influencing the teen, but a youth pastor that spends ALL his time with teens is neglecting their biggest influence: the parents. Two other former youth leaders and I did a video called TOP FIVE WAYS TO HELP PARENTS, and here’s what I contributed:   LOVE Loving both the teens and the parents is crucial for youth ministry because love makes it

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Men Need Respect and Women Need Love

That’s the overarching theme of the book Love and Respect. I had seen it advertised and finally bought it for my Kindle app. I have been reading it over the past few weeks and every page is spot on. Men need respect as much as ladies need love. The author said that many marriage books are about the man taking the lead and learning to love his wife, but they rarely delve into the opposite idea of the wife respecting the man. The author calls it the crazy cycle: When a man feels disrespected by his wife, he lashes back in an unloving

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Should I Discipline My Cute Little Baby?

We do. We have disciplined Abe since birth. Right now, Abe is about 9 months old and he has learned new things every week since he was born. Why NOT train him? He is definitely learning something! It might as well be to do right. Now, do we have all-out spankings and full conversations about what he did wrong and how he disobeyed God? No. He can’t even speak English yet. Dadadada and Mamamamama and gamamadadagaga are his only words so far. But hey… we figure that if he can learn how to nurse, how to roll over, how to pick

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