
Our Romania Devotional Journals Are Pretty Awesome, I Gotta Say!

We’re SUPER excited for Romania next week; we leave Monday with a baker’s dozen of us. Can’t wait.

I’m excited about ministering through VBS, testimonies, singing, preaching and outreach. One potential problem with big trips, though, is missing the lessons along the way.

That’s why I’m excited about these journals.

Each night, rather than simply go to bed, the whole Romania Team will gather for devotions to talk through the day and capture some of the lessons that we learn.

Journals help align a group’s thinking. “It was a really good trip!” is not good enough. What made it good? What happened? What did you learn? Where did you grow?

We will use our group meetings to discuss these types of questions so that hopefully the lessons sink in deeper.


We purchased some stellar leather journals on Amazon and inserted our own devotional prints into each day. The teens who qualified for the trip have been working through a Bible reading schedule, jumping between Old and New Testaments each day. We used the daily readings (in God’s providential guidance) to make applications that will be specific to the Romania trip.

I think it’s incredible.

Each day, I’ll post the short devotional entries and let you see what we’re working through as we go. Meanwhile, check out some pictures of how they turned out!

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