One Youth Pastor’s Opinion (OYPO)
I Attend Conferences To Help Me Remember What’s Most Important
I can pretty easily get distracted by an email, or a need, or a hobby; but I try to attend conferences like the Church Planters Conference in OKC to keep my eyes on what is most important. The Great Commission includes all the motivation one needs to keep the right focus: see people saved, baptized, and trained to follow Christ.
That’s it, friend.
One of Bro. Sam Davison’s sermons a few weeks ago essentially taught us to not overcomplicate these things. Christianity is pretty simple. Let’s keep it that way.
My friends who go through faith-stretching struggles always teach me about what matters most. I know we all sort of know it, but they know a different level of depending on God than I do. The small things fade away when we are faced with life or death situations, and that which is most important becomes crystal clear.
This week, I got to hear from my friends who are planting churches, and learn how a walk with God is life-saving.
I got to talk with Bill Herhold, who is now recovering from cancer treatments, and learn that God will stretch our faith in ways we never thought possible. He has come out on the other side with a greater appreciation for what’s important in life.
I’m watching Dalia Johnson rest in God’s arms in the middle of her cancer treatments. This 19-year-old young lady is teaching me what Puritans cannot, because her experience of faith is unique.
Of course, every doctrine is important. Sure, we need some hobbies to connect with our kids. Absolutely, we need vacations, and time away, and time to relax, and healthy bodies, and good jobs, and… of COURSE all that stuff is what makes up life.
But the most important stuff of life is what takes place after life.
That’s not cliché.
Any time we can shake some of the dust off our eyes and focus a little clearer on Jesus Christ, we’re in a better place than we were before. I appreciate our church that has a heart for what’s most important in life, and I pray that we constantly course-correct wherever we get distracted.
Now let’s go serve Jesus.